The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Will AI Change the World?

5 min readDec 26, 2021

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Let’s first clear the concept of AI. Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science that helps machine/software to simulate human intelligence in making decisions and solving problems based on the available data. AI is concerned with building smart machines that can work like humans.


  1. Reactive Machines
  2. Limited Memory
  3. Theory of Mind
  4. Self-aware
  5. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)
  6. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
  7. Artificial Superintelligence(ASI)


AI Use Cases

  1. In Healthcare & Hospitals

☞ Artificial intelligence will enable the next generation of radiology tools.

☞ Users spend the majority of their time on three tasks: clinical documentation, order entry and sorting. Artificial Intelligence involves NLP applications that can understand and perform all these tasks.

☞ AI is effective in areas of early detection, diagnosis, treatment, prediction and prognosis evaluation in diseases such as cancer, neurology and cardiology.

☞ A common use of artificial intelligence in healthcare involves NLP applications that can understand and classify clinical documentation.

☞ AI helps in the analysis of health data by comparing thousands of medical records.

2. In Education

☞ AI-powered solutions have been in the EdTech space for sometime. Now, 86% of educators say technology should be a core part of education.

☞ AI can help students achieve their goal by streamlining the education process and providing access to the right courses.

☞ AI can help students find answers to their most commonly asked questions in seconds through support automation and conversational intelligence.

3. In Business

☞ Saves time and money by automating and optimizing routine processes and tasks.

☞ Make faster business decisions based on outputs from cognitive technologies.

☞ Avoid mistakes and ‘human error’ and provide 24/7 service.

☞ Use insight to predict customer preferences and offer them better, personalized experience.

☞ Mine vast amount of data to generate quality leads and grow your customer base and increase revenue by identifying & maximizing sales opportunities.

Artificial intelligence is drastically important to our future because AI forms the very foundation of computer learning.

Pros and Cons of AI


  • Reduction in Human Error
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Helps in Repetitive Jobs
  • Faster Decisions Making
  • New Inventions
  • Doesn’t get tired & wear out easily
  • Selfless with no breaks


  • Incurs high cost
  • Leads to unemployment
  • No improvement with experience
  • Lacks in creativity
  • High initial investment
  • Dependency on machines
  • Cause unemployment


The most common applications of Artificial Intelligence in our daily lives:

➜ In Personalized Online Shopping

➜ Manufacturing Smart Cars

➜ Marketing and social media

➜ Surveillance

➜ Enhancing Agriculture methodology

➜ Quick and 24/ 7 Customer Service

➜ Developing Video Games and Chatbots

➜ Virtual Assistance


AI’s impact is everywhere, almost every field is depending upon artificial intelligence. Watching the current scenario, it is more likely to say that the robots may probably take over most of the jobs.

According to the World Economic Forum’s “The Future of Jobs Report 2020”, AI is expected to replace 85 million jobs worldwide by 2025.

The jobs that AI machines are most likely to perform in the future:

1. Customer service executives

2. Bookkeeping and data entry

3. Receptionists

4. Proofreading

5. Courier services

6. Retail services

7. Manufacturing and pharmaceutical work

8. Taxi and bus drivers

9. Doctors

10. Soldiers

11. Teachers

12. Security guards

EHR developers are now using artificial intelligence to create more intuitive interfaces and automate some of the routine processes that consume so much of a user’s time.

According to eLearning Industry, upwards of 47% of learning management tools will be enabled with AI capabilities in the next three years.

Preparation for the Future of AI

Human creativity knows no limits. Strategic thinking, thought leadership, conflict resolution and negotiation, emotional intelligence, and empathy are qualities in jobs that AI cannot replace at any point in time.

When computers were introduced to help business processes, many people were skeptical that there would be severe job losses. However, it became part of everyday life, and new categories of jobs emerged. The workforce, however, needed to reskill and adapt to a different style of working.

Artificial Intelligence is expected to bring a similar kind of revolution in the technology field. As a result, the future workforce will be required to go through a similar transformation. There will be changes in the old way of doing things, and a new employment source will be made available.

Artificial Intelligence will give a chance to learn new skills from time to time.

Will Artificial Intelligence Influence the World Positively?

Yes, although there are more chances of AI to replace humans in many aspects, but this cannot make people jobless. AI has a great future and will be one of the essential tools for organizations in the future. It is impossible for even the best of robots to replicate a human being’s warmth and understanding.

AI can only modify every corner of the world but it cannot destroy human lives.


Artificial Intelligence itself is not harmful for humans, but if it is programmed to harm people then it is. AI could be made harmful in the following ways:

‣ Autonomous weapons are artificial intelligence systems that are programmed to kill.

‣ AI is still in its beginning phases and it can also lead to great harm if it is not managed properly.

‣ Advanced AI systems could be key economic and military assets, if these systems are in the bad hands, then they might use it in harmful ways.

‣ The AI is programmed to be beneficial but does something destructive while achieving its goal.

‣ AI’s reliance on big data is impacting privacy in a major way.

If implemented responsibly, AI can benefit society, the authors write.


There are several ways in which human rights might get violated. The use of big data and AI can also threaten the right to equality, the prohibition of discrimination and the right to privacy.

During a talk in Brussels, Belgium, Cook expounded on his concern.
“Advancing AI by collecting huge personal profiles is laziness, not efficiency,” he said. “For artificial intelligence to be truly smart, it must respect human values, including privacy. If we get this wrong, the dangers are profound.”

About us

Root2ai Technology Private Limited

We are a team of talented and passionate consultants who every day solves complex business problems with use of math and computer science. We deliver customized machine learning solutions and data analytics tools for enterprise and startup customers. Our mission is to assist clients achieve their business targets by 
extending innovative technology that is responsive to the changing demands of the market.

